Other Gastrointestinal Diseases
Geneoscopy’s pipeline is focused on broad gastrointestinal disease applications.

Beyond CRC and IBD
In 2015, annual health care expenditures for gastrointestinal diseases totaled $135.9 billion.¹ This included costs from generalized diseases like abdominal pain, as well as specific disease in the malignant, inflammatory, or infectious space. Diagnosis of disease, monitoring disease changes, and predicting response to treatment can be difficult due to the invasiveness of traditioanl approaches and inaccuracy of noninvasive approaches. Geneoscopy is bridging that gap by employing precision diagnostic approaches using RNA-based technology. We are actively conducting research in a variety of disease indications to improve the lives of patients suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

- Peery AF, Crockett SD, Murphy CC, Lund JL, Dellon ES, Williams JL, Jensen ET, Shaheen NJ, Barritt AS, Lieber SR, Kochar B, Barnes EL, Fan YC, Pate V, Galanko J, Baron TH, Sandler RS. Burden and Cost of Gastrointestinal, Liver, and Pancreatic Diseases in the United States: Update 2018. Gastroenterology. 2019 Jan;156(1):254-272.e11. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2018.08.063. Epub 2018 Oct 10. Erratum in: Gastroenterology. 2019 May;156(6):1936. PMID: 30315778; PMCID: PMC6689327.